Mine Rehabilitation Review
The NSW Government is committed to ensuring major mining projects use best practice rehabilitation so that previously mined land can sustain other uses.

The Government is already implementing a number of reforms to strengthen operational rehabilitation requirements for all mining projects in NSW. As the next step in these reforms, the NSW have released a discussion paper to seek feedback on proposed improvements to the regulatory framework for rehabilitation of major mining projects. This feedback will be used to develop new state-wide policy and actions that provide certainty to industry and the community by clearly setting out Government expectations regarding rehabilitation and closure requirements for all major mining projects in NSW.
There are five proposed reforms set out in the discussion paper across the assessment, operational and closure stages of the mine life cycle. A key aim of the proposed improvements is to ensure mine rehabilitation is consistent with leading practice and delivers appropriate social, economic and environmental outcomes for communities.
The discussion paper can be viewed here.
SMK Consultants has the knowledge and expertise to evaluate proposed policies and legislation. We can assist in the assessment of the drafting of submissions on your behalf with regards to the proposed mining reform.
If you would like us to assist in making a submission, or for further information, contact SMK Consultants on (02) 6752 1021 today,